1-833-587-9627 info@jurymapping.com
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Juror Profiles

Gain insight into juror bias through social media data, political behavior, professional history, and more

Predictive Models

Determine the right voir dire questions and rank jurors through statistical analysis of responses

Venue Analysis

Evaluate the demographics of your venue, survey case-related attitudes and assess risks for your case


While some jurors are easy enough to read, our clients recognize that at some point during voir dire they will be looking at a group of people about whom they know very little. Some jurors are uncomfortable speaking up in front of groups. Others may feel social pressure not to admit bias. Still others may be replacements for a struck juror who have missed the majority of questioning.

It can be tempting to focus on the jurors who speak up most in court, or to believe that because other jurors haven’t openly expressed strong views that they are neutral. When voir dire time is limited, it might not even be possible to focus on each juror long enough to determine their predispositions. Lawyers may therefore content themselves to identify and remove a few “bad apples” and leave the rest be.

There is a better way.


Fast, comprehensive and accurate juror research

Juror research already plays an important role in many trials. Public records searches can find prior arrests or litigation in which the juror was involved, while social media searches can reveal a potential juror’s attitudes and beliefs. However, too few attorneys consistently conduct rigorous jury research in their cases.

At JuryMapping, we created a product that gives our client an edge in jury selection by making juror research fast, easy and affordable.

Integrated search.

We combine social media, background reports, and a range of commercial, political and demographic sources into a single search so that you can find all the information available on your juror in one place.

Speed and convenience.

At every stage of the process we focus on making juror research fast and easy. You can generate a report for a potential juror in seconds, or you can send us your juror names and we will run them for you.

Unique data sources.

We’ve included all the data you expect, but we also incorporate a range of unique sources covering wealth, political views, spending habits, lifestyle, interests and community. This dataset is akin to what is used by political campaigns or commercial marketing efforts, and it paints a detailed picture of each juror’s values and priorities.

Insight not information.

We recognize that, in time-constrained environments, more information isn’t always better. Our reports are dynamically generated and customizable, meaning you’ll only see the data that helps you make a decision about a potential juror.

The most sophisticated predictive analytics in the industry

Many attorneys use mock trials, focus groups or community surveys to create profiles of favorable and unfavorable jurors. Our approach is unique in two ways.

We use the latest, most sophisticated techniques and large enough sample sizes to get statistically significant results rather than anecdotal profiles.
In addition to traditional juror reports, we offer juror “risk” scores based solely on the detailed attributes we have on every potential juror. This allows you to build a preliminary ranking of jurors in the most efficient manner possible.

Questioning of jurors by the attorney, when allowed, is essential to identifying and removing jurors who show an obvious bias. Our approach to modeling, however, has some unique benefits when used in conjunction with a traditional voir dire process or in cases where attorney-conducted voir dire is restricted or disallowed.

Improve your jury selection with our fast, comprehensive juror research tool